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Dues for membership in the Jacob Hochstetler Family Association are $10.00 per calendar year and include a subscription to the quarterly newsletter. THAT'S NOT MUCH, FOLKS! Dues, orders for back issues of the newsletter (all of which are currently available), and orders for other JHFA genealogical materials should be sent to JHFA, Inc., P.O. Box 154, Goshen, IN 46527-0154. Articles and submissions for the Newsletter, information about family activities, research, or any inquires should be sent to H/H/H Family Newsletter, 618 S. Vine St., Orville, OH 44667, or e-mailed to


If you would like to see an example of a typical H/H/H Newsletter, then click here to download an Adobe .pdf of an older issue that is very indicative of the kind of information that we publish quarterly. Although this particular newsletter was published some time ago, we'll ask you to notice that the content has remained relevant over all this time because it is historical in nature. The value of back issues of this newletter, therefore, appreciate in value instead of depreciate like other newsletters of a non-historical nature do.


So a mere $10 will buy you a year's worth of newlsetters (published once a quarter) and you will be supporting a very noble cause! We would like to encourage those of you who can afford more than $10 to send in what you're able to afford so that we can continue to keep the price reasonable to those who cannot afford more. Up until recently, all we had was an ordinary, printable "order form" and we ask those of you who do not use PayPal to continue to use the paper renewal form. Even though we now offer Paypal subscriptions, we still don't have any fancy auto renewal processes, so we ask those of you who have supported us for years to continue to remember to send in your renewals.


The Jacob Hochstetler Family Association has been granted official status, by the Internal Revenue Service, as a 501(c)(7) which, according to the IRS Publication 557, in the Organization Reference Chart section, is listed as a "social and recreational club". The determinant factor in receiving this status is the distribution of revenue and since there are no salaries and all work contributed is gratis, the JHFA fits the profile of a "club organized for education, pleasure, or other non-profitable purposes, substantially all of the activities of which are for such purposes and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder."

This IRS categorization allows us to offer the low rates we charge for subscription to our H/H/H Quarterly Newsletter, and other educational services and items, without the necessity of being subject to federal taxes.


However, because we are not engaged in any broad type of socially redeeming activity, such as eliminating prejudice or discrimination (as most 501(c)(3) organizations are), any donations, gifts or subscriptions paid to us are not subject to federal income tax deduction by the person who has offered them to us. So even though your subscriptions and donations support us 100% and allow us to continue publishing our H/H/H Quarterly Newsletter, they are not deductible on your part.

Please do not let this stand in the way of your generosity, which we cannot express enough thanks for! Please continue to subscribe, give subscription gifts to your family members, friends and libraries, and donate. We continue to exist because you kindly and benevolently continue to support us.


Thank you to everyone for helping us to keep our proud heritage alive!


Please click HERE to give feedback or suggestions to us.


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