If there is a Hostetler or Hochstetler (or a half dozen variations of this name) in your family tree, then you may be a descendant of the 1738 Swiss German immigrant Jacob Hochstetler to whom this website is dedicated.

A typical Amish buggy on a typical country road

Amish buggies parked outside of an Amish home on Sunday

The countryside where our people came from

A typical Amish buggy on a typical country road
"It's helpful, on a journey, to be cognizant of an origin and of a destination no matter how vague or distant they seem, otherwise the travel becomes wandering. We believe it's important for us to acknowledge and learn about our roots in order for us to understand where we came from. The knowledge of who our predecessors were can serve to help us judge who we want to be and where we want to go on this journey. Keep our rich and proud heritage alive by supporting the JHFA and passing our history along to our relatives who know little of it, and down to our children who know nothing of it . . ."
It is estimated that there are from five hundred thousand to one million of us living from coast to coast in the United States of America, as well as in a number of other countries.
This website is dedicated to Jacob's legacy through the efforts of the Jacob Hochstetler Family Association (JHFA).
Get Involved
We have many ways to get involved including volunteering, or nominating a family member, for a Board of Trustees position! The pay is not that great but the rewards are huge as you help us plan our next event. You can also just show up to one of our five year events, and if you have a measly ten bucks in your pocket, then subscribe to our newsletter!
Download Some of our Stuff for FREE!
HHH Basic Brochure
HHH History Brochure
HHH 4 Panel Brochure
2013 Gathering Brochure